Stående figur

Fra hf/ifikk/kun1000
Revisjon per 24. okt. 2021 kl. 17:29 av (diskusjon | bidrag) (Innholdsanalyse)

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Charlotte Wankel, Stående figur, 1926. Olje på lerret, 60,7 x 63,6 cm. Foto: Nasjonalmuseet.

Her kommer det tekst i løpet av høsten 2021.[1]


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A diagonal line can be observed going from the top left corner, across the figure's shoulder bone and finishing at the bottom right, almost separating the artwork in two.

The top part, is made of straight lines and architectural shapes, that could've been inspired by Le Corbusier, a Swiss avant-garde architect, that Charlotte Wankel met in Paris.[2] Aside from Le Corbusier's influence, she could have also been inspired by the street of Paris, which are usually made of rectangular gray buildings.

The bottom part is made of rounder shapes, reminding us of nature. The opposition in the painting could be a way for Charlotte Wankel to compare nature to the city.[3]


Fullstendig oppføring.


  1. Forfatters etternavn, Tittel på bok, 23.
  2. Store norske leksikon online, "Le Corbusier"[1]
  3. Mørch, Tre norske avantgardekunstenere i 1920-årene, 154