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== Lena Liepe:&nbsp;Means and methods for the study of medieval iconography  ==
=== Lena Liepe:&nbsp;Means and methods for the study of medieval iconography  ===
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== Kjartan Hauglid: Corbel Tables  ==
== Kjartan Hauglid: Corbel Tables  ==

Revision as of 16:06, 2 February 2010

Means and Methods for the Study of Medieval Iconography

Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas

The overarching aim of this research programme is to formulate a theoretical and methodological framework for the further development of the study of medieval iconography, with the ambition to widen the perspective from the traditional ”lexical” focus of iconographical interpretation to include also other aspects of iconography, for example space, body, rhythm and composition, and with specific consideration of the function of the images. At the same time, a solid foundation in the textual corpus of medieval theology and learning is maintained as a basis for the understanding of the imagery. The hope is that the research programme wil contribute to a renewal in various ways of the Nordic study of iconography.

The present activity of the program consist of Kjartan Prøven Hauglid’s PhD project Damnavit exemplum. Advarende eksempler i romanske figurative konsollfriser, ca. 1060–1120 (Damnavit exemplum. Moral Warnings in Romanesque figurative corbel friezes ca. 1060–1120); Ragnhild Bø’s PhD project The Iconography of the Lamoignon Hours (Lisbon, Gulbenkian Foundation, MS LA 237), a manuscript illuminated by the Bedford Master; and Lena Liepe’s research on the iconography of Icelandic 14th century law manuscripts (in collaboration with Karl G. Johansson, Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo). Further plans include the production of an anthology presenting studies in iconography along the lines of the general aim of the research programme, with contributions by leading scholars from Norway, Denmark and Sweden.


Professor Lena Liepe

Research fellow Kjartan Hauglid

Research fellow Ragnhild Boe

Lena Liepe: Means and methods for the study of medieval iconography

Kjartan Hauglid: Corbel Tables

Ragnhild Boe: