Rosenberg, H. "The fall of Paris" 1

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Harold Rosenberg: The Fall of Paris 1940

The Style of Today

During the course of the twenthieth Century, some "exuberant" artistic mouvements too place in Europe and in particular in Paris, described as the Holy Place for artists [1]. Paris was described by Rosenberg as a passive city could be possessed and owned by artists, and that was the succes for it becoming an art Capital. This passivity that impregnated the city was a good pretext for international artists, students and refugees to settle in, and therefore it became a pioneer for culture in the same way that America was for its economy[2].

The Intellectual Form of Defeat


Harrison & Wood

Rosenberg, Harold. Tradition of the New, London and New York, 1962, pp.209-20

  1. Rosenberg, Tradition of the New, 209
  2. Rosenberg, Tradition of the New, 210