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SE-AMA - 2017

This is the wiki for our project, the Sharing Editor, for the course INF5750 - Open Source Development.

Name SE-AMA explained:

  • SE - Sharing Editor
  • AMA - Alexander, Magnus, Andrei

Group members

  • Alexander Wandrup (alexanow)
  • Andrei Eismont (andreiei)
  • Magnus Biong Nordin (magnubn)

Project Description Requirements

For our assignment we chose to work on the Sharing Editor.

The assignment states that we are to create an application DHIS that lets the user multi-select several metadata objects and then edit the sharing configuration of that metadata in bulk. As of right, such settings can only be applied on one object at a time.

  • The purpose of this app is for the user to be able to apply read/write, read only or no access to the "public access" property of several objects at once, be it data elements, data sets, dashboards or any other sharable objection DHIS.

The primary goal of this app as we see it is then to provide the user with an intuitive and quick way to edit sharing configuration in bulk. To achieve this, we will apply many of the same principles/designs on which the DHIS app Maintenance was built on. First, lets look at search.

  • The user should be able to search on name (or other properties) for the object, be it singular or a group, dashboard or a category.

In DHIS there are several distinct sharable objects. Many of them have sub-categories. The user will need to select a category - or a sub-category, if one is present. For example, data element is a general term for three underlying categories: data element, data element group, and data element group set. We felt a tree-like view menu would be best suitable for this sort of task. If you chose a category with sub-categories, the tree will expand. Once you click on a desired object - say, data element, that area will be highlighted. Editing and search settings will show up, and you can begin your editing.

For search we'll be using a template not dissimilar to the one currently used by Maintenance when creating a new data element, or a new set etc and selecting dependencies. For instance, all data elements will be listed in a scrollable window. Just like in Maintenance, you can add single elements or select multiple, or select all. Added elements will be displayed in the window next to it, which can similarly be removed, multi-select removed or empties entirely.

Right above will be a search bar. The two windows described above will be filtered based on the search results - and, desirably, should display the number of results hidden by the filter.

  • The user should also be able to narrow down the search field through "other properties".

Certain objects such as data elements have specific properties that can be selected to narrow down the search field, such as selecting the domain type or value type. This feature will be implemented for objects that have additional properties.

From the nested-tree menu the user will be able to select data elements, groups, data sets, programmers, dashboards and much more. A minimal requirement is to be be able to work with only a select few of the sharable objects. Ideally, there should be support for all. This is a specification we will strive to achieve but, as of right now, we intend to take it one step at a time and just make sure we don't accidentally or purposely fall of a cliff.

There'll also be support to edit user groups, structured in a similar fashion.

When editing the sharing configuration for dashboards, we will need not only to alter the setting for the dashboard itself, but all of its view also, as well as all the tables or charts those views have and every element inside those charts or tables. This is considerably more work than the rest of the objects and we recon will be the primary challenge during development.

Finally, it should be possible to both completely overwrite existing sharing settings or modify the existing sharing settings. It should therefore be possible to alter a read-only setting to write and read, despite the object marked as "read only".

Head over to the "mockups" section to see proposed mockups of our app!


Technologies Used

  • React. None of us had any previous experience in front-end development, and because React was shown during class - as well as being one of the two frameworks presented during one of the guest lecture by Accenture (the other being Angular), we naturally levitated towards React.
  • Node. Server side javascript runtime environment.

Open Source Projects Used

  • material-ui. A great majority of the component designs from material-ui were similar if not identical to the ones implemented in DHIS2. In addition to being ascetically pleasing, we wanted the design to also be consistent with other DHIS application, primarily the Maintenance app.


- Licensing. Discuss the implications (if any) on the product you are development from the software licenses of the frameworks and libraries you are using.

Division of labour

During the initial development, we intend to work together as a group so that everyone understands how DHIS works, how React works, and how those two interact. This we feel ensures that every member of group gets the appropriate knowledge in all tools, and that any empty seat can be filled by another member should the other be indisposed.

When we have a solid foundation that we can build upon, then we can divide the tasks accordingly, depending on time and where our strengths or wishes lie.


1. november

  • Wiki up and running
  • Chosen assignment
  • Overview of the product to be developed
  • Proposed architecture of the app
  • Broad timeline for development (in form of milestones)
  • Link to project repository

8. november

  • The app's interface up and running

15. november'"

  • TODO

22. november

  • No more features will be added after this milestone

25. november

  • The app should be completely finished

279 november

  • Completed and delivered


Our main goal with this app is to keep it simplistic and easy to use.


Suggested Improvements

Documented Learning During Project

Link to Repository


The repository is private.