Abel use old

From mn/bio/cees-bioinf
Revision as of 12:27, 13 December 2012 by Alexajo@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Added getting access, etc)

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Getting access

Fill out this form:

11. I would like an account on the following resources: notur
12. Start date (yyyy-mm-dd): today End date (yyyy-mm-dd): April. 30th, 2012
13. Existing project (format nn****k for Notur):* NN9244K
14. Notur/NorStore user account (if you already have one): N/A
Otherwise provide preferred / local user name: _____________________ (max. 8 chars)
Please fill out your UiO user name kseniakh
15. If you want to use a grid certificate (GSI), provide the distinguished name (DN): N/A
Name of the project manager:* Kjetill Jakobsen

Give the form to Kjetill Jakobsen for submission. Ask Lex/karin for help.

Using Abel

ssh abel.uio.no

Getting a single cpu for 11 hrs

qlogin --account nn9244k --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1

Same, for 24 hrs

qlogin --account nn9244k --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 1 --time 24:00:00

NOTE you aresharing the node with others, do no use more than the number of cpus you asked for

NOTE a pipeline of unix commands may use one cpu per command:

grep something somefile | sort | uniq -c

This may use three cpus!

Getting a whole node with 16 CPUs and 64 GB RAM:

qlogin --account nn9244k --nodes 1 --ntasks-per-node 16 --time 24:00:00

Even though each node has 16 cpus, due to hyperthreading, you can run up to 32 processes simultaneously

You have a large work area available as well:



squeue -u your username

will tell you the job ID, the work area is


NOTE all data on this area is deleted once you log out


logout (or ctrl-d)