User manual cod nodes old

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Revision as of 14:53, 25 June 2014 by (talk | contribs) (1.4 TIP: using screen)

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This document describes how to use the high-performance compute nodes of the cod group at CEES. We have the following resources available:

cod1 24cpus 128 GB of RAM, ~1 TB disk space --> mainly for mysql databases
cod2 24cpus 128 GB of RAM, ~1.3 TB disk space
cod3 64cpus 512 GB of RAM, ~24 TB disk space
cod4 64cpus 512 GB of RAM, ~24 TB disk space

1. General use

1.1 Getting access

Provide Lex Nederbragt with your UiO username.

1.2 Mailing list

If you're not already on it, get subscribed to the cod-nodes mailing list: We use this list to distribute information on the use of the CEES cod nodes.

If you intend to use one of the nodes for an extended period of time, please send an email to this list!

1.3 Logging in


When you are on the UiO network it is enough to write ssh cod1

Check that you are a member of the group 'seq454' by simply typing:


If 'seq454' s not listed, please contact Lex Nederbragt.

1.4 TIP: using screen

If you are starting a long running job you cannot close the terminal window because the job will be cancelled. Instead create a 'screen' in the terminal window from which you start to run the job: type


You now started a 'new' terminal. Start your job in this new window. After you have started your job you can detach from this screen by pressing ctrl-a-d (The CTRL key with the 'a' key, followed by the 'd' key). Now you're back in the terminal where you started. You can close this terminal or even the computer and the 'new' terminal will still exist and continue to run your job. You can start multiple hidden windows by just repeating this procedure. If you want to get back into the now hidden screen type

screen -rd

If you have multiple hidden windows this command will give you a list of the windows available. To choose one of the windows just add the window-number after the command.

screen -rd 5647

When your job is finished you need to close the hidden window by typing exit instead of ctrl-a-d

Advanced tip: to make the environment 'inside' the screen more identical to your ususal shell, make a file in your home directory called .screenrc (i.e. /usit/abel/u1/username/.screenrc), with the following content:

shell -$SHELL

Data and software


All nodes have 'abel' (the UiO supercomputer cluster) disks, and your abel home area mounted to them. So, all the files located in /projects are available on the cod nodes, see below. In addition, the nodes have local discs, currently:
/data --> for permanent files, e.g input to your program
/work --> working are for your programs

CEES project data


The CEES projects are organised as follows:

/projects/cees is the main area. Access is for those in the seq454 unix user group (the name is a relict from when we first started using this area). Please check that files and folders you create have the right permissions:

chgrp -R seq454 yourfolder
chmod -R 770 yourfolder
chmod -R g+s yourfolder

The last command ensures that the chosen permissions are given to new files and folders as well.

It is possible to restrict access to a subgroup of those that are inn the seq454 group, please ask Lex Nederbragt.

Folders in /projects/cees:

projects --> finished projects, data belonging to an (accepted) publication
databases --> permanenet files, e.g reference genomes
in_progress --> the main working area. Here you store data for unfinished projects
bin --> here are programs and scripts located
lib --> needed by certain programs
src --> source files for some of the programs in the bin folder
scripts --> for home-made scripts
exchange --> for exchanging files with non-members

Setting up your own project folder(s)

see this link for advice on how to set up a folder for your project in /projects/cees/in_progress

Checking how much disk space is available

On the cod nodes


df -h

Look for the /node/work and /node/work partitions

For the /projects/cees area


dusage -p cees

Choosing where to work with and store your data

  • do not use your abel home area, especially if you intend to share your data with others at CEES
  • data on /projects/cees is backed up by USIT, but NOT data on /data and /work
  • <span style="line-height: 1.5em;" />reading and writing data to and from /data and /work will be much faster and efficient than to /projects/cees

This leads to the following strategy for how to choose which disk to use:

  • for something short and quick, you can directly work on data in /projects/cees
  • for a long running program, or one that generates a lot of data over a long time, use the locally attached /data and /work
  • once the long running job is done, you can move the data you want to keep to /projects/cees
  • NOTE having your program write a lot over a long time to a file on /projects/cees causes problems for the backup system, as the file may be changed during backup
  • for long-term storage of data you do not need regular access to, please use the norstore allocation (ask Lex Nederbragt)


  • locally installed programs are in /projects/cees/bin
  • much software is available through the 'module' system, see this manual.
  • we can make our own modules, see the instructions here.
  • to use our local modules, see below under 'setting up your environment'
  • we can add our own local python and perl modules, please ask

NOTE all nodes run Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 6, except cod2, which uses version 5 (normally, you will not notice this)

Setting up your environment

  • to have access to the commonly used programs and scripts, add the /projects/cees/bin folder in your path
  • to help with automatically seting permissions to new files and folders, use 'umask 0002' command
  • to use our own modules, add the path to local modules

In order to achieve all this, include the following lines in your ~/.bash_login (/usit/abel/u1/username/.bash_login) file. Please create the file if it doesn't already exist.:

export PATH=/projects/cees/bin:/projects/cees/scripts:$PATH
umask 0002
module use /projects/cees/bin/modules

To get a fancy prompt, try this:

magenta=$(  tput setaf 5)
cyan=$(     tput setaf 6)
green=$(    tput setaf 2)
yellow=$(   tput setaf 3)
reset=$(    tput sgr0)
bold=$(     tput bold)
export PS1="\[$magenta\]\t\[\$reset\]-\[\$cyan\]\u\[\$reset\]@\[\$green\]\h:\[\$reset\]\[\$yellow\]\w\[\$reset\]\$ "

Add that to your .bash_login.

Note to SLURM users

If you are used to submit jobs through a slurm script, this will not work on the cod nodes. Here you'll have to give the command directly on the command line.

Job scripts

You can use a job script: collect a bunch of commands and put them in an executable file. Run the command with


Local services


  • mysql
  • the stacks program for analysis of RAD tag data


  • the smrtportal software for secondary analysis of PacBio runs