File transfer www

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File transfer through

1) the way this works is that you send a link to the person who you want to send one or more files to, with a user name and password. They download the data through a web browser.
The link will start with Bioinf3 is a server that was bought for the 454 platform back when we got the machine. You put the files in a folder on titan. You can try it out yourself:

u s e r n a m e    test
p a s s w o r d    the species name of atlantic cod (in small caps)

1) It's preferred to make a single tarball (compressed file of type .tar.gz or .tgz) of the files to be transferred:

cd folder_with_data
tar -cvzf OUTFILE.tgz infile(s)

2) log in to (NOT cod node or Abel), go to /projects/nscdata/www_docs, make a new folder, put the tarball in there

3) Make sure that the access rights are at least r--r--r--

chmod a+r *

Please do not use rwx for 'others', at most rwxrwxr--

4) choose a username, let's say user1; choose a password, for example using

5) copy the .htaccess file from the test folder into the new folder:

cd newfolder
cp ../test/.htaccess .

(note: .htaccess is a hidden file, and won't show up using ls. You can 'see' it when using ls -a or ls -la)

6) edit the .htaccess file in the new folder, replace 'user1' with the username you chose (do not change the rest):

AuthUserFile /projects/nscdata/www_docs/.htpasswd
AuthName "Please use the username and password as provided..."
AuthType Basic

Options +Indexes

<Limit GET>
require user user1

NOTE you can have several users in the same file:

<Limit GET>
require user user1 user2 user3

7) add the password to the /projects/nscdata/www_docs/.htpasswd file

cd .. (or cd /projects/nscdata/www_docs)
htpasswd .htpasswd user1

You'll be asked to type the password twice

8) try out: go to, enter username (user1) and password, check that you can download the file(s)

9) Send an email to the recipient giving him the URL ( and username (user1). Send the password in a separate email