CEES bioinformatics knowledge

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A non-extensive list of CEES participants and their knowledge on bioinformatics and various software tools

Name Project Knows about Experience with software programming language
Thomas Haverkamp Thermotoga genomes Genome assembly, Mapping, Sequence Quality control, shot-gun seq, amplicon sequencing, Pacbio data, MiSeq data, Sequence classification, slurm jobs Various assemblers (e.g: Velvet, SPAdes, SGA), Bwa, samtools, Mothur, MEGAN, comparative genomics R-statistics, some python
Anna Mazzarella Stickleback Rad tag sequencing, mapping, simple bash scripting Stacks, bowtie, bwa, samtools, gmap, gsnap
Tore Oldeide Elgvin Sparrows WGS Illumina data, assembly, assembly validation, mapping, population genomics, basic unix MEGA, Arlequin, DNAsp, Geneious, Reapr, CEGMA, Allpaths-LG, samtools, bwa
Lex Nederbragt Atlantic cod, Norwegian Sequencing Centre All sequencing platforms, genome assembly, assembly validation and visualisation, reproducible science, version control, good computational practice, using high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure and the Abel cluster Various assemblers, BWA, samtools, unix, sed, awk, python, perl, PacBio's smrtanalysis

If you want your knowledge to be added to the list,

please send an e-mail to: genomic-analyses at ibv.uio.no