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(Installing an ATLAS software release)
(Installing an ATLAS software release)
Linje 88: Linje 88:
=== Installing an ATLAS software release  ===
=== Installing an ATLAS software release  ===
*Decide where to install the software - this is the "repository".  
*Decide where to install the software - this is "swdir".
*The install script is here: Download it somewhere and chmod u+x it.  
*Decide where to install the runtime scripts, this is "rtedir".
*A typical installation looks like
*Download the install script and chmod a+x them afterwards
*Install an appropriate gcc432 compiler (use "uname -m" to find yours). You can't use the I686 package on a x86_64 system!
**./ --release 4.3.2 --project gcc --arch I686-SLC5-GCC43-OPT --rtedir /my/runtime --swdir /my/atlas/software
**./ --release 4.3.2 --project gcc --arch X86_64-SLC5-GCC43-OPT --rtedir /my/runtime --swdir /my/atlas/software
**./ with no arguments will give you help.
*Install the kit you want (64-bit x86_64 kits are not yet validated for physics). The I686 package will work on both 32 and 64-bit systems.
** Example:
<tt>mkdir {root of the software repository}/atlas/software/releases/15.2.0&lt;br&gt;<br>cd {root of the software repository}/atlas/software/releases/15.2.0&lt;br&gt; </tt>
*If you download the install script in {root of the software repository}/atlas/software/releases/ then you do&nbsp;
<tt>../ 15.2.0 I686-SLC4-GCC34-OPT {runtimedir} </tt>
*The <tt>{runtimedir}</tt> is set in <tt>/etc/arc.conf</tt> (normal users should create <tt>/<something>/APPS/HEP</tt> and use <tt>{runtimedir}=/<something></tt>). Last folder of <something> could often be runtime, so e.g. for maikens installation, <tt><something></tt> is: <tt>/scratch2/maikenp/atlas/runtime</tt> The I686-SLC4-GCC34-OPT downloads a kit built for this platform (which is the only one fully supported for the moment - SLC4 is RHEL4/CentOS 4-compatible, kits for x86_64 and RHEL5 are under development).
*If your OS is 64-bit there may be some missing 32-bit libraries, my "favorites" are from the blas, libgfortran and libf2c packages. The first thing I will do is run a kit validation, e.g. <tt>./KVsubmit 15.2.0</tt> which will send a grid job to validate the kit (<tt>KVsubmit</tt> is in if you want to try it yourself).
*If your OS is 64-bit there may be some missing 32-bit libraries, my "favorites" are from the blas, libgfortran and libf2c packages. The first thing I will do is run a kit validation, e.g. <tt>./KVsubmit 15.2.0</tt> which will send a grid job to validate the kit (<tt>KVsubmit</tt> is in if you want to try it yourself).

Revisjonen fra 3. feb. 2010 kl. 16:12

Getting ATLAS releases to work on RHEL5 x86_64 nodes

  • For pacman to work you need to install an older 32-bit opensll: rpm -ivh
  • To satisfy some packages, especially event generation: yum install libgfortran-4.1.2-44.el5.i386
  • You need to install blas: yum install blas.i386 and yum install blas-devel.i386
  • To get /usr/lib/ (also needed for 32-bit Linux) do rpm -ivh
  • You need 32-bit gcc 3.4 (also needed for 32-bit Linux): yum install compat-gcc-34
  • You need 32-bit g++ 3.4 (also needed for 32-bit Linux): yum install compat-gcc-34-c++
  • You may need to install 32-bit popt: yum install popt.i386
  • In order to analyze luminosity blocks in real data libxml2-devel is needed: yum install libxml2-devel

Getting the I686-SLC5-GCC43 kits to validate (and run) on RHEL5

Installing root and enabling the xrootd service (needed for proof)

  • on RHEL5 x86_64 systems: (gcc 4.3 is too advanced for UiO desktops)
tar -xvzf /mn/kvant/hep/linux/root/root_v5.22.00.Linux-slc5-gcc3.4.tar.gz -C /opt
  • Assume standard setup is on default system (e.g. and $node is the node you want to install on. Of course if you are logged on to $node all the ssh'ing is not needed
scp /etc/sysconfig/xrootd $node:/etc/sysconfig/
scp /etc/ $node:/etc/
scp /etc/rc.d/init.d/xrootd $node:/etc/rc.d/init.d/
ssh $node chkconfig --add xrootd
ssh $node chkconfig --level 35 xrootd on
  • Note, xrootd runs under read account (as of May 2009)
ssh $node mkdir /var/log/xrootd 
ssh $node chown read:fysepf /var/log/xrootd
  • Edit /etc/ and restart xrootd to add a worker node.
  • Redistribute /etc/ as well (have to find a simpler but reliable system for this
/sbin/service xrootd start

Installing VirtualBox

echo vboxusers:x:15522:esbenlu >> /etc/group<br>echo vboxusers:x:15522:esbenlu >> /etc/group.local 
  • Finalize the vbox setup:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

Installing ARC client on RHEL5 boxes (as superuser)

rpm -ivh`uname -i`/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm
  • Typical /etc/yum.repos.d/nordugrid:
[nordugrid] name=NorduGrid - $basearch - stable 
  • yum groupinstall "ARC Client" to install the client s/w
  • yum install nordugrid-arc-ca-utils to install the missing Certificate Authority utilities
  • /opt/nordugrid/sbin/grid-update-crls to jumpstart the first update of the Certificate Revocation Lists - after that there is a cron that does the job automatically.

Installing an ATLAS software release

  • Decide where to install the software - this is "swdir".
  • Decide where to install the runtime scripts, this is "rtedir".
  • Download the install script and chmod a+x them afterwards
  • Install an appropriate gcc432 compiler (use "uname -m" to find yours). You can't use the I686 package on a x86_64 system!
    • ./ --release 4.3.2 --project gcc --arch I686-SLC5-GCC43-OPT --rtedir /my/runtime --swdir /my/atlas/software
    • ./ --release 4.3.2 --project gcc --arch X86_64-SLC5-GCC43-OPT --rtedir /my/runtime --swdir /my/atlas/software
    • ./ with no arguments will give you help.
  • Install the kit you want (64-bit x86_64 kits are not yet validated for physics). The I686 package will work on both 32 and 64-bit systems.
    • Example:


  • If your OS is 64-bit there may be some missing 32-bit libraries, my "favorites" are from the blas, libgfortran and libf2c packages. The first thing I will do is run a kit validation, e.g. ./KVsubmit 15.2.0 which will send a grid job to validate the kit (KVsubmit is in if you want to try it yourself).
  • Occasionally the database release is updated after a Kit is packaged. In this case you have to download a new DBRelease. Check the release notes to find out which one should be downloaded. In the directory where you installed the release (i.e. SITEROOT) do e.g. for DBRelease 7.2.1

pacman -get

ATLAS VO Registration and Management

This site is used for registering atlas VO grid resource users and for managing information about their affiliation with the ATLAS VO and their permissions regarding use of grid resources.

Installation of a new release of DQ2Clients

  • You had better set umask to 022 or nobody else will be able to read files or execute any commands!
  • Typical install command is

pacman -trust-all-caches -allow tar-overwrite -get

  • Additional documentation is here - there is also a howto.