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SSHFS Mount Points
SSHFS mount points are a handy way to mount the server root directories to your local linux based machines. There are some good references online, below are a few tips and links to get you started.
There is a good write up here:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS on the basics of installation.
**NOTE** the point about adding yourself to the fuse group. For some more in depth information, see this link:
A shortcut in your .bashrc
I have set up the following shortcuts in my .bashrc to simplify things.
    alias cnct_xnilu_wrk="sudo chown jfb:jfb /xnilu_wrk; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/xnilu_wrk /xnilu_wrk -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa
    -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002"
    alias cnct_viper="sudo chown jfb:jfb /viper; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/viper /viper -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa
    -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002"
    alias cnct_homevip="sudo chown jfb:jfb /homevip; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/homevip /homevip -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa
    -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002"
    alias cnct="cnct_xnilu_wrk; cnct_homevip; cnct_viper;"
Then at the command line I can simply type::
    [jfb@olufino ~]$df
And I end up with the following::
    [jfb@olufino ~]$df
    Filesystem                            1K-blocks        Used  Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda3                              29224536    11569516    16190188  42% /
    udev                                    1910256          4    1910252  1% /dev
    tmpfs                                    767616        964      766652  1% /run
    none                                        5120          0        5120  0% /run/lock
    none                                    1919032        2108    1916924  1% /run/shm
    /dev/sda5                              17568352          16    17568336  1% /windows
    /dev/sda4                              243854324  101940164  129707108  45% /home
    burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/xnilu_wrk 58072574976 43088009216 14984565760  75% /xnilu_wrk
    burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/homevip    5767902208  5423478784  223228928  97% /homevip
    burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/viper      5767902208  3060632576  2414276608  56% /viper

Latest revision as of 14:21, 21 June 2012

<rst> SSHFS Mount Points


SSHFS mount points are a handy way to mount the server root directories to your local linux based machines. There are some good references online, below are a few tips and links to get you started.

There is a good write up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS on the basics of installation.

    • NOTE** the point about adding yourself to the fuse group. For some more in depth information, see this link:


A shortcut in your .bashrc

I have set up the following shortcuts in my .bashrc to simplify things.

   alias cnct_xnilu_wrk="sudo chown jfb:jfb /xnilu_wrk; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/xnilu_wrk /xnilu_wrk -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa 
   -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002" 


   alias cnct_viper="sudo chown jfb:jfb /viper; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/viper /viper -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa 
   -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002"


   alias cnct_homevip="sudo chown jfb:jfb /homevip; sshfs burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/homevip /homevip -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o idmap=user -o IdentityFile=/home/jfb/.ssh/id_rsa 
   -o workaround=nodelaysrv -o workaround=rename -o reconnect -o intr -o nodev -o allow_other -o default_permissions -o umask=002"


   alias cnct="cnct_xnilu_wrk; cnct_homevip; cnct_viper;"

Then at the command line I can simply type::

   [jfb@olufino ~]$df

And I end up with the following::

   [jfb@olufino ~]$df
   Filesystem                             1K-blocks        Used   Available Use% Mounted on
   /dev/sda3                               29224536    11569516    16190188  42% /
   udev                                     1910256           4     1910252   1% /dev
   tmpfs                                     767616         964      766652   1% /run
   none                                        5120           0        5120   0% /run/lock
   none                                     1919032        2108     1916924   1% /run/shm
   /dev/sda5                               17568352          16    17568336   1% /windows
   /dev/sda4                              243854324   101940164   129707108  45% /home
   burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/xnilu_wrk 58072574976 43088009216 14984565760  75% /xnilu_wrk
   burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/homevip    5767902208  5423478784   223228928  97% /homevip
   burkhart@niflheim.nilu.no:/viper      5767902208  3060632576  2414276608  56% /viper
