FLEXPART Model/NCARGRoutinesAndMakeWebpages

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Revision as of 16:05, 14 September 2011 by Jfb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Make Webpages== Generate the webpages. # Generate a directory on the open side of our firewall, e.g. /viper/home/andreas/public_html/YAK Copy description.html, index.html, an...")

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Make Webpages

Generate the webpages.

  1. Generate a directory on the open side of our firewall, e.g. /viper/home/andreas/public_html/YAK Copy description.html, index.html, and nilu_logo.gif from an existing project into YAK. Edit index.html - this shall be a list of all your datasets. Probably also add description.html, if something's different and should be noted.
  1. Copy the MAKE_WEBPAGES directory from /flex_wrk/bin64 and edit the files domain.global, domain.regional, domain.polar to set up plotting domains
  1. Copy the appropriate /flex_wrk/bin64/PLOTS_8X_64 directory. (8X for Flexpart8.X and 6X for Flexpart6.X) If there is a need to compile, you can simply run the COMPILE scripts and see the makefiles.
  1. In your copy of the MAKE_WEBPAGES directory, edit file make_webpages Change all directory settings to your project Specify the data set range (nflightmin - nflightmax) Indicate the data source (either ECMWF or GFS) altitude_unit can be m or hPa time_or_alt is normally 1; for lidar-type plots, it should be a different number (this produces vertical profiles instead of time series)
  1. Execute make_webpages

Some notes on the NCARG libraries and gmeta2png

NCARG is now installed for the 64 bit machines at: /xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/bin64/ncarg. This should be set as your NCARG_ROOT environment variable and the /bin and /lib dirs put in the appropriate PATH Settings. See user flexpart's .bashrc for an example. Note the 'case' statements regarding whether the machine logged into is 64bit of 32bit.

The gmeta2png or formerly gmeta2gif programs are scripts that call a series of ncarg routines (ctrans and med) and imagemagick programs (convert and composite). The make_webpages script now has an option to overlay a NILU logo. These scripts reside in /xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/bin64/SCRIPTS which should also be set in your PATH in order that you can call them.

TODO: Optimize placement of the logo. Since the plots are generated beforehand using ncarg, it is a little difficult to know exactly where to composite the logo.