FLEXPART Model/FlexpartInteractive

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Revision as of 16:44, 14 September 2011 by Jfb (talk | contribs)

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Add a new project



    • NOTE** Please create a backup of any file before editing it!

1) Place your new project into a world readable directory:

      'ICEALOT' : '/flex_wrk/jfb/RUNDATA/POLARCAT/ICEALOT'

2) Create the tracerdirs.txt file in the directory:

      This file
      is a combined version of the old text files required for the 
      interactive plotting. It tells the program what the available
      tracers and associated directories are located.
      Format of tracerdirs.txt file:


      See the tracerdirs.txt file for the forecast system as an example:

3) In each project folder, you need to create the ageclasses.txt file:

     This file is simply telling which ageclasses are available for the 
     output. In most cases:
 echo 'all' > projectdir/ageclasses.txt 

will do the trick.

4) Now create a time.txt file in the project directory also:

     head -1 projectdir/dates > projectdir/time.txt
     tail -1 projectdir/dates >> projectdir/time.txt

5) Edit the file /flex_wrk/WEB_APS/PloneExtensions/PROJECTS.TXT:

      Add a line for your project with the format:
      NOTE: Be sure there is no new line at the end of the file.

If all goes well...

      You should now see your project available from
      the drop down list on the interactive web page.




This is an outline of the control flow for the interactive webpage: http://transport.nilu.no/browser/fpi

1. Note that browser, is simply a template 'portal' in Plone to have no side menus. The 'fpi' portion, is another template in Plone.

  1.1) The template calls a script on the file system to generate the listbox menus. You can see the function (gen_listboxes) in the following module:

2. Once the form elements of the fpi page are filled out, it simply calls a cgi script for now. This is seen on niflheim's directory:

  /var/www/cgi-bin/fpi/fpi_zope.cgi (disregard all the old versions)
  2.1) The cgi script is actually python, it calls various qa/qc methods to check the input data, then proceeds to call further python plotting routines and some ncarg plotting routines. This can be seen in:

3) NCARG Plotting

  3.1) The NCARG plotting routines that are called from the python scripts reside in:
  3.2) The directories bin_x, where x is h for horizontal, v for vertical, t for timeseries, and c for curtain are where programs are 'copied' from. NOTE: They are not all in use at the moment.
  3.3) The original plotting directories are called flexpart80_XXX. The most common is flexpart80_latlon for the horizontal plots.

4) Output of interactive plotting.

  4.1) All the output of the interactive plotting is posted to the temp directory within:

    • CAVEATS:** This system is under heavy development and soon will be replaced with a 100% python solution. If changes are made, please contact jfb@nilu.no and let me know what has been changed. If you need / would like to change the fpi_links.py files (currently run from my directory), just let me know.
