FLEXPART Model/MakeAvailableFile

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Revision as of 16:45, 14 September 2011 by Jfb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> **How to make AVAILABLE files** All pre-2008 ECWMF GLOBAL windfields have successfully been moved to :: /xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/WIND_FIELDS/ they are split into global an...")

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**How to make AVAILABLE files**

All pre-2008 ECWMF GLOBAL windfields have successfully been moved to



they are split into global and nested, ... have a look. (GFS, nested,
etc. is still in process)

At the moment there existst one AVAILABLE for ECMWF_global in this AVAILABLE is not only the windfilename, but also the path, this enables us to get the windfields without creating a directory of links.

In the directory 


  /xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/bin  (NOTE: this has been added to flexpart's PATH, you may want to add it to your own)

You will find a python program:


You can type: 


  % mkAVAIL.py -h

for a summary of usage. A general example:


  % mkAVAIL.py -s 200701 -e 200703 -m ECMWF

This would create a file in the directory from where you run mkAVAIL.py called: AVAILABLE_ECMWF_global

As we get all the windfields moved, more options will be added to the script.

There is one modification in FLEXPART to make the filename up to 255 char
in order to read those long filenames - check out in the SVN
repository for the latest version.

Also, the pathname file has to be modified as following, so you may
need to modify your scripts by adding an empty string:


  ~/FLEXPART # cat pathnames

FLEXPART can handle both: windfildir and no windfielddir (but all information in the AVAILABLE)

if anybody has a problem with the solution please tell jfb or sec
