8. Retrieve historical ECMWF fields (ERA40) for FLEXPART

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Retrieving high resolution nested grid data:

Choose c1a (not ecgate) upon login to access the supercomputer facility (HPCE)

Copy the following directory and files to your home directory on HPCE:


List of files: flex_ecmwf_91_finegrid_* extract_ecmwf_ftpbase seq_extract.V4* seq_control.V4* submit*

1. Edit the times in the file: seq_control.V4* ./seq_extract.V4 1990 1990 06 06 29 29 1

2. In file flex_ecmwf_91_finegrid_* modify the following parameters: M_GRID 20 (resolution 0.2 deg, for resolution of e.g. 10 deg use 1000) M_LEFT -3600 (36 W) M_LOWER 4000 (40 N) M_UPPER 7600 (76 N) M_RIGHT 3600 (36 E) M_FORMAT GRIB2 (GRIB1 or GRIB2) DESTINATION nina (or another MS association set up on the web interface, e.g flexpart) ECFSDIR ectmp:/${USER}/GRIM/ (directory name) SOURCECODE /home/ms/no/sb9/flex_extract_ecgate_V4 (your username)

3. Change all paths to refer to your own user grep sb9 * to list all files containing the path with user sb9 which need to be changed.

4. Copy the template file flex_ecmwf_91_finegrid_* to extract_ecmwf_ftpbase

5. Run the job:


6. Check your job: llq to see your job in the queue eoj <jobid> provides details on the performance of a running job. (also automatically provided at end of job)

7. Get your files: The retrieved files are automatically transferred to your ecgate account (via ECTRANS) and then to NILU by ftp. (NB: cannot ftp directly from HPCE, but must go via ecgate). If you can’t find your files in your defined NILU-directory, check the directory you specified in flex_ecmwf_91_finegrid_* (ECFSDIR) for where it is temporarily stored on the ECWMF system. Then try ftp it over again using the ftp commands specified previously.