1. ECMWF web sites

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Back to ECMWF overview[1]

Updated by nik: 12 March 2013

1) ECMWF website:


Here you can browse the ECMWF archive and retrieve very small amounts of data.

2) ECMWF web service:


This website is very useful and is an interface where you can browse, transfer, edit and submit files/jobs to ECMWF. You can also manage your account setting and set up a file transfer (MS association).

On both pages you can log in with your ECMWF username and password (from token).

3) Software webpage


This is a software support portal that allows users to access all ECMWF software packages information in a single web site.

It includes information on:

- Metview: is an interactive meteorological application, which enables operational and research meteorologists to access, manipulate and visualise meteorological data.
- ecFlow: is a work flow package that enables users to run a large number of programs (with dependencies on each other and on time) in a controlled environment. 
- Magics++: is the latest generation of the ECMWF's Meteorological plotting software MAGICS.
- GRIB-API: an application program interface accessible from C and FORTRAN programs developed for encoding and decoding WMO FM-92 GRIB edition 1 and edition 2 messages.
- EMOSLIB: a library that includes Interpolation software and GRIB, BUFR, CREX encoding/decoding routines.

4) ECMWF service status


Gives you an overview of the service status for all systems ecgate, c2a, MARS, ECaccess etc, and information on updates.