Server Setup

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Revision as of 11:59, 14 September 2011 by Jfb (talk | contribs) (Notes for software installations)

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Notes for software installations

Apache2 Info

key directories::

   /etc/apache2 [sites-available]

Note that for mods and sites, use::

   a2ensite sitename (to enable)
   a2dissite sitename (to disable)


   a2enmod modname
   a2dismod modname

.. note:: Added mod_wsgi (sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi) this is the module that loads python files now.

Upgrading to Plone 4

all files installed to::


Some points...

  • inside zinstance there is a mercurial repo (hg log -r : )
  • see in particular the buildout.cfg files

packages that have been added so far:

  • raptus.article.default (no success so far!)
  • collective.quickupload

`collective.uploadify <>`_

.. warning:: changes to site_properties


MediaWiki was installed from a download of version 1.17. It is installed into the /opt directory. A postgresql database was set up. apt was *not* used, as it wanted to install MySQL


No major changes, simply used::

   apt-get install postgresql


Postfix was installed via the instructions from the `ubuntu postfix reference <>`_ Roy modified the settings