FLEXPART Model/MakeAvailableFile

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How to make AVAILABLE files

FLEXPART windfields can be found in $FLEXPART_WINDS (this is an environment variable set when loading flexpart modulefile). FLEXPART windfields are downloaded from NILU on demand. Please send an email to drift@geo.uio.no for getting new windfields or for more information.

To create an AVAILABLE file for your simulation, you can use the python program:


You can type:

 % mkAVAIL.py -h

for a summary of usage. A general example:

 % mkAVAIL.py -s 200701 -e 200703 -m ECMWF

This would create a file in the directory from where you run mkAVAIL.py called: AVAILABLE_ECMWF_global

To get the full list of available options:

 % mkAVAIL.py -h

NOTE:  the pathname file has to be modified as following, so you may need to modify your scripts by adding a slash (version 9.2):

 ~/FLEXPART # cat pathnames