Remote desktop connection

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A remote desktop connection lets you control a remote computer through the local network or internet.

Getting started

Make sure you are allowed to log onto the host computer remotely, for desktops by default you are not. If it doesn't work, go by the IT department to change this. Logging in remotely also isn't allowed from outside of Norway.

On Windows

Start the "Remote Desktop Connection" program, on some versions of Windows (also) called "mstsc.exe", "Microsoft Terminal Services Client" or "tsclient".



On Linux

Use the remote desktop client of your choice, if you haven't got one, download one.

Logon settings


The computername should be the name of the computer you want to connect to followed by its domain. Optionally a port is defined after this, though the default port (3389) usually works. If you want to access a specific port:

User name


The user name usually should be your normal username. If you just use "myusernamy" without the "UIO\" the host computer looks for a local account rather than your network account and that usually doesn't work.

Logging in from outside Norway
