
Fra mn.geo.hydro
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Denne wiki'en er en samling informasjon om norsk hydrologi innsamlet av seniorhydrologene. Vi håper den er nyttig for undervisning og ekskursjoner, og for den som er interessert i norsk hydrologi.


How to create a page

1) Write the title of the page in the search field and see if it already exists.

2) If not, click "Create the page <title> on this wiki!"

3) Before writing the content, add the relevant categories as a header or footer in the text. For instance, if you'd like to add your page under the subcategory Matlab (let's call it [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/landsurfacemodelling/index.php/My_Matlab_scripts My Matlab scripts], add it to the subcategory Matlab:


For instance, if you'd like to make that page into a category, add the following two lines:

create a page called Category:My Matlab scripts, which only contains the text
If you'd like to make a category page, just search for Category:<category>, write something and click create.

4) Please look through the source code of some random pages (click "Random page" in the menu on the upper left) before writing anything. The source code appears when you press "edit" in the top menu of that page. Note that a list of contents is automatically made if the text contains enough headings.

5) Sometimes it is useful to collect several terms in one page. If you'd like to redirect the page "Potential evapotranspiration" to "Evapotranspiration", make the page Potential evapotranspiration and add the following line:

 #REDIRECT [[evapotranspiration]]

6) To insert a link, write it on the form:

 <square bracket>

[https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/landsurfacemodelling/index.php https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/landsurfacemodelling/index.php] link name that you want to appear in the text <square bracket>

7) To insert a file, click "Upload file" under Tools in the left panel. After uploading it, write the following on you page:

 [[File:<Image name> | thumb | caption]]

9) Before saving, click "Show preview" and do the necessary changes. (Each time, you have to click the 'source' button).

10) More about the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup wiki markup language here.]

How to edit a page

Go to a page that you want to edit, and press "Edit" in the upper right panel.

Which topics can be added?