AFSecurity Seminar

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AFSecurity Seminar

Cybersecurity Research Topics

DATE:  Tuesday 27 February 2018

LOCATION:  Kristen Nygaard's Hall (Room 5370), IFI - OJD House.


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:10h Invited Talks:

  • Neural models of reputationPierre LisonNorwegian Computing Center.
    This talk present ongoing research on developing data-driven, predictive models of entity reputation (in the sense that it can be considered benign or malicious) for end-point hosts. The talk explains the approach used for learning deep neural networks to automatically predict the reputation of domain names or IP addresses from features extracted from passive DNS data. Furthermore, the talk shows how recurrent neural networks can be employed to detect the presence of malware-generated domain names.
  • Intrusion Detection with Neural NetworksCarlos García CorderoTechnical University Darmstadt, Germany.
    This talk describes research on flow-based anomaly intrusion detection using replicator neural networks.
  • Safety of Cyber-Physical SystemsUlrich FahrenbergÉcole Polytecnique, Paris, France.
    Abstract T.B.A.
  • CA Authorization: Fixing a Problem or Shifting it Elsewhere?Nils GruschkaUniversity of Oslo.
    Due to increased security awarenes Web sites are increasingly switching to HTTPS. In addition to the TLS protocol, certificates and the Web PKI are essential. However, numerous incidents of fake certificates have shattered the trust in the current Web PKI system. This talk explains the latest efforts for strengthening certificate security and discusses challenges for the future.

16:00h Discussion
Chair: Audun Jøsang


  • Pierre Lison is a senior research scientist at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, where he is involved in several research projects related to language technology and machine learning. He studied computer science and computational linguistics at the universities of Louvain (Belgium) and Saarland (Germany), and completed his PhD in 2014 at the University of Oslo..
  • Carlos García Cordero is a scientist, systems engineer, mathematician, musician and thinker. Carlos' research experience and interests are wide and cover diverse topics such as cyber-security, artificial intelligence, programming languages, compilers, machine learning and computer graphics, among others. Carlos is currently studying a PhD in Cyber Security and Distributed Machine Learning at TU Darmstadt. He has an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from The University of Edinburgh and a BSc in Computer Systems Engineering from the ITESM CSF in Mexico, both achieved with the highest honors.
  • Ulrich Fahrenberg works at École Polytechnique in Paris, France.
  • Nils Gruschka studied computer science at the University of Kiel, Germany, and received his PhD degree in 2008. He was a senior researcher at NEC Laboratories Europe in Heidelberg, Germany. In 2012, he became a professor at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Since 2018 he is an associate professor at the University of Oslo, Norway.
AFSecurity is organised by the University of Oslo SecurityLab Logo-UiO-SecurityLab-colour.jpg