AFSecurity Seminar

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Privacy for Mobile Apps

TIME:  14:00h, Friday 27 Mars 2020
Place:  Kristen Nygaard's Hall (Room 5370), Ole-Johan Dahl's House, UiO


14:00h Welcome to UiO, coffee served
14:15h Invited talk:

  • TITLE:  Privacy for mobile apps: Technical, regulatory and human challenges
    SPEAKER:  Nurul Momen  (Karlstad University)
    ABSTRACT: What is the most intimate thing that you possess? If the answer is your mobile phone, you'd probably be interested in finding out how apps behave. In one end, we have a powerful device capable of collecting, monitoring, processing, transmitting data and in other end, this device is connected to hundreds of services through apps. Undeniably, users are being subjected to privacy exploitation due to the obvious reason - surveillance capitalism. We intend to turn the table around by simply asking - how do the apps behave?

15:00h Discussion

BIO:   Nurul Momen
PhD Student, PriSec
Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science
Karlstad University, Sweden.

AFSecurity-small.png AFSecurity is organised by the UiO Research Group on Digital Security Sec-light-360.png