12 February 2014

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AFSecurity Seminar:

e-Voting Security

Date: 12 February 2014.

Location: Seminar room Python (room 2269), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IfI).


14:00h Welcome at IfI

14:15h Invited talk

SPEAKER: Christian Bull, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation (Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet)

TITLE: Security in the Norwegian e-Voting System

ABSTRACT: Electronic voting requires strict, and sometimes seemingly mutually exclusive, security properties in the voting system. The anonymity of the voter must be inviolable, the principle of "one voter one vote" upheld, and the integrity of the vote and result, unquestionable. In this talk I give an introduction to the security properties of the Norwegian e-voting system, as it was implemented for trials in 2013.

A paper by Christian Bull related to this talk is at http://www.e-voting.cc/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/07/21-33_Stenerud-Bull_Norway.pdf

SPEAKER BIO: Christian Bull is Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and has been involved quite a lot with the new electronic voting system of Norway.

15:00h Discussion