AFSecurity Seminar

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AFSecurity Seminar

Your (web) application is out of date

Date: Wednesday 12 January 2015.

Location: Meeting room Awk (room 3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IFI).


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited talk

15:00h Discussion

SPEAKER: Erlend Oftedal (BEKK)

TITLE: Your (web) application is out of date.

ABSTRACT: We all know we need to keep our laptops and servers up to date. But what about our applications? Today developers are using an ever increasing number of libraries when developing new software. And we all make mistakes, and some of these lead to security issues. How do we figure out whether the libraries we are using have known vulnerabilities?


Erlend Oftedal - Developer and security guy at BEKK, OWASP Norway lead, speaker at developer and security conferences. A passion for helping developers deliver more secure code.