AFSecurity Seminar

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India's Unique Identity Project

DATE:  8 May 2015, 15:00h

LOCATION:  Lille Aud, Kristen Nygaard's House (Old IFI Building).


15:00h Welcome at IFI

15:15h Invited talk

16:00h Discussion

SPEAKER:  Dhiren Patel (NIT Surat, India).

TITLE:  Large Scale Biometric Identity Management System: India’s UID Project – an Overview

ABSTRACT:  As India moves towards large scale e-Governance adoption, a soft infrastructure for Government service delivery is needed to ensure efficiency and accountability across multiple systems. A national ID system is crucial to improve the efficiency and transparency of various e-Governance initiatives. The UID (Unique Identity) project of India has the vision of empowering every resident of India with a unique identity and providing a digital platform to authenticate anytime anywhere. Using biometrics, it provides an instant, electronic, non-repudiable proof of identity. This system is built on a sound strategy and a strong technology backbone and has evolved into a vital digital infrastructure. This lecture encompasses discussion on Large Scale Identity Management Systems with a detailed case study of India’s UID Project.

SPEAKER BIO:  Dr. Dhiren Patel is a Professor & Chair of Computer Engineering Department at NIT Surat, India. He leads Security and Cloud computing group at NIT Surat. Prof. Patel has academic and research associations with University of Denver, Colorado – USA (Visiting Professor – Summer and Fall 2014), IIT Gandhinagar - India (Visiting Professor – 2009-2011), with City University London (Visiting Scientist – Cyber Security – 2009-2014), with British Telecom UK (Visiting Researcher – Cloud Security and Trust Management - 2012), and with C-DAC Mumbai - India (Research Advisor – Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection). He has authored a book on Information Security (ISBN-978-81-203-3351-2, Prentice Hall 2008) and numerous research papers. He is associated with many high power government committees in India on Higher Technical Education and Security Research.