20 March 2015

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AFSecurity Seminar

The Internet is on Fire

Date: Friday 20 March 2015.

Location: Meeting room Awk (room 3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IFI).


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited talk

15:00h Discussion

SPEAKER: Frode Hommedal (Telenor)

TITLE: The Internet is on fire – Don't just stand there, grab a bucket!

ABSTRACT: The Internet is on fire. The network connected services and devices that makesup our modern, digital infrastructure and lives are under attack, and they are so vulnerable that the attackers are having a field day. To quote Melissa Hathaway, "we have put every critical system on the backbone of the Internet, but the Internet wasn't ready". This needs to change, and you need to be part of the solution.


Frode Hommedal is security manager at Telenor Norway.