AFSecurity Seminar

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Secure October - Security R&D at UiO and Partners

DATE:  9 October 2015

LOCATION: Kristen Nygaards sal (room 5370), Ole Johan Dahl's House.


10:30h Welcome at IFI

10:45h Secure October - Security Research and Development @ UiO & Partners

  • OffPAD (Leonard Dallot, TazTag France)
  • IoTSec (Josef Noll, UNIK and Habtamu Abie, NR)
  • TazTag Security Solutions (Laurent Miralabé, TazTag, France)
  • Oslo Analytics (Audun Jøsang, IFI)
  • Holistic Cybersecurity (Audun Jøsang, IFI)

12:00h Lunch / Networking