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AFSecurity Seminar:

Privacy in New Technological Environments

Date: 13 November 2008

Location: UNIK, Kjeller


12:30h Welcome

12:40h Talk

TITLE: Privacy of Mobile Computers

ABSTRACT: Mobile computer users often have a false sense of anonymity when they connect to the Internet at cafes, hotels, airports or other public places. We have analyzed information leaked by mobile computers to the local access link when they are outside their home domain. We found that all layers of the protocol stack leak various plaintext identifiers of the user, the computer and their affiliations to the local link, which a casual attacker can observe. In addition to presenting the leaks, we also propose mechanisms to preventing and mitigating the effects of the leaks.

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec200811-Lindqvist-TKK.pdf

SPEAKER: Janne Lindqvist, TKK, Helsinki University of Technology

13:10h Discussion

13:40h Talk

TITLE: Privacy protection in biometric passports

ABSTRACT: There are some well-known problems associated with the new European biometric passports. First, a short overview will be given about typical problems with the BAC key generation, after the focus will move towards hash functions. There two problem groups will be shown, one about the special properties of hash used on bitmaps and the possible use of watermarking (image hash) technologies to prevent the storage of the fingerprint picture on the passport itself.

Presentation slides: Media:AFSec200811-Kalman-UiO.pdf

SPEAKER: Gyorgy Kalman, UNIK, University of Oslo

14:10h Discussion

14:30 End of meting