AFSecurity Seminar

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Cybersecurity Challenges

DATE:  Monday 4 December 2017

LOCATION:  Seminar room Python (room 2269), Ole Johan Dahl's House.


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited Talks:

  • Title T.B.A.,   Keith Martin, Royal Holloway College, University of London
  • Title T.B.A.,   Mathias Eckstedt, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
  • Cybersecurity in the Norwegian Energy Sector,   Janne Hagen, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
  • Title T.B.A.,   Tord Persokrud, Conax
  • Defending Critical Infrastructure from Espionage and Sabotage,   Frode Hommedal, Telenor SOC and CERT

16:00h Panel and Discussion


AFSecurity is organised by the University of Oslo SecurityLab Logo-UiO-SecurityLab-colour.jpg