AFSecurity Seminar

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Cybersecurity Challenges

DATE:  Monday 4 December 2017

LOCATION:  Seminar room Python (room 2269), Ole Johan Dahl's House.


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited Talks:

  • The Usual Insecurity of ThingsKeith Martin,  Royal Holloway College, University of London
    While the Internet of Things is used to describe a host of new lightweight technologies, when it comes to security it pays to focus less on the novelty of IoT, and more on what IoT applications have in common with previous technologies that have learned about security the hard way (by first getting it wrong). It's time to go back to basics, and reflect on what security means in cyberspace. Only once this is understood, can we hope to secure any type of application that resides there.
  • Title T.B.A.,  Mathias Eckstedt,  Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
  • Cybersecurity in the Norwegian Energy SectorJanne Hagen,  The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
  • Title T.B.A.,  Tord Persokrud,  Conax
  • Defending Critical Infrastructure from Espionage and SabotageFrode Hommedal,  Telenor SOC and CERT

16:00h Panel and Discussion


AFSecurity is organised by the University of Oslo SecurityLab Logo-UiO-SecurityLab-colour.jpg