AFSecurity Seminar

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Read Teaming in Cyber Exercises

DATE:  6 June 2019

PLACE:  Kristan Nygaards Hall (Room 5370), IFI, UiO - OJD House .

15:00h Welcom at UiO

15:15h Invited Talk:

  • TALK:  Frankenstack: Building a detection and feedback system for Red-Teaming exercise
    SPEAKER: Markus Kont (NATO CCDCOE)  
    ABSTRACT: Cyber Defense Exercises have received much attention in recent years. Crossed Swords is an exercise directed at training Red Team members for responsive cyber defense. However, these Red Teamers may not be aware how their actions are visible from the detection side, as they often lack expertise from defensive side. Yellow team role is to provide this feedback. However, this can be a delicate balancing act, as feedback should be given near real time without overwhelming the players who are already under intense time pressure. Furthermore, this system should not spoil the gameplay nor give unfair insights into the network topology of target systems. This presentation is about the tools and techniques used, as well as challenges encountered, while building Frankenstack, an open source toolbox for providing this feedback. Current iteration is a data pipeline and correlation stack build around Kafka message queue and SEC event correlation rules. Events were collected from network via Suricata, Zeek, Moloch and Mendel. Host logs were enhanced with Snoopy on Linux and Sysmon on Windows targets to generate a full audit trail, and collected via Syslog. A custom data normalization engine was written in Golang to enhance each message with meta information needed to correlate event fragments from multiple sources, and to anonymize targets. And to replay events post-mortem with correct temporal intervals, to enable offline correlation rule development. Correlated alerts were displayed on central screens using various custom and existing front-end dashboards.

16:00h Discussion

Markus Kont is a Researcher at the Technology branch of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence since 2015. His area of expertise is packet capture and log processing, DevOps tools and techniques, and data science. His current work involves researching stream processing techniques, and he is responsible for teaching network security monitoring tools in CCDCOE. In his prior life, he was server administrator in a hosting and software development company for over 5 years, focusing mostly on Linux systems and back-end infrastructure development. He holds a Master degree in Cyber Security from Tallinn University of Technology where he wrote a thesis on syslog and event correlation.

AFSecurity-small.png AFSecurity is organised by the UiO Research Group on Information & Cyber Security Sec-uio-light-1000.png