March 2012

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AFSecurity Seminar: eHealth Security

Date: Wednesday 7 March 2012.

Location: Meeting room Awk (3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IfI).


14:00h Welcome at IfI

14:15h Invited talk

SPEAKER: Suhail Mushtaq, (Head of Norwegian Health Care CSIRT)

TITLE: ICT Security in the Health Sector - An Operational Perspective

ABSTRACT: The interconnection of health providers through the Health Network is a critical factor for ICT in the health sector. This talk focuses on security challenges, and possible solutions to handle these challengesm seen from a practical and operational perspective.

SPEAKER BIO: Suhail Mushtaq is a prominent IT security expert who worked as security consultant before being appointed leader of the Norwegian Health Care CSIRT. He also organises the annual HackCon security conferenses in Norway.

15:00h Discussion

15:30h End