AFSecurity Seminar

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Cryptography for People

Date: Wednesday 15 April 2015.

Location: Meeting room Awk (room 3118), Ole-Johan Dahls hus (IFI).


10:00h Welcome at IFI

10:15h Invited talk

11:00h Discussion

SPEAKER: Jan Camenisch (IBM Research Zurich)

TITLE: Cryptography for People

ABSTRACT: As our lives become increasingly digital, we all need to protect and manage our personal digital assets including family pictures, health information, contact data, calendar entries, and digital identity information. We store and use these information at different places using different devices.

In this talk we review the state of the art in cryptography in terms of how it can help us to protect and manage our data on different devices and in the cloud. We will discuss what features the different cryptographic mechanisms provide and to what extend they can be used in practice or how far out they are.


SPEAKER BIO: Dr. Jan Camenisch is a Principal Research Staff Member at IBM Research - Zurich and leads the Privacy & Cryptography research team. He's a member of the IBM Academy of Technology and an IEEE Fellow.

He is a leading scientist in the area of privacy and cryptography, has published over 100 widely cited papers, and has received a number of awards for his work, including the 2010 ACM SIGSAC outstanding innovation award and the 2013 IEEE computer society technical achievement award.

Jan is also a co-inventor of Identity Mixer, a unique cryptographic protocol suite for privacy-preserving authentication and transfer of certified attributes.

Jan was leading the FP7 European research consortia PRIME and PrimeLife, and he and his team have and continue to participate in many other projects including ABC4Trust, AU2EU, and Witdom. Jan currently holds an advanced ERC grant.

"By inventing and using cryptography, I try to regain the fading privacy of our increasingly electronic society. See my publications for the crypto mechanisms and see the PrimeLife project for how to use them."