4 September 2015

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AFSecurity Seminar

Security of Satellite Navigation systems

DATE:  4 September 2015

LOCATION: Kristen Nygaards sal (room 5370), Ole Johan Dahl's House.


14:00h Welcome at IFI

14:15h Invited talk

15:00h Discussion

SPEAKER:  Øivind Christophersen (NSM).

TITLE:  Security of Satellite Navigation Systems

Presentation slides: Satellite Navigation Security

ABSTRACT:  The Arctic is becoming increasingly relevant, as the polar ice shrinks and the competition for resources increases. Global satellite platforms with high integrity and availability represent a prerequisite for a commercial exploitation of the North-East Passage, for stable positioning of floating drilling ships and platforms. This is also a challenge that Norway should respond to with its obligations in the North Sea and the Arctic. The security of satellite navigation systems is critical to many critical domains, such as airplane and ship navigation, time stamping of financial transactions, as well as border control and defense. This talk look at the functionality and security of Galileo, and Norway's role in supporting this system.

SPEAKER BIO:  Øivind Christophersen has a strong background in ICT from Defence, Foreign Affairs and from NATO. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland, a Master of Management from BI, and was for two years the national expert representative in the European Commission, for policy development in the Galileo program. He is coordinator of the GNSS program in NSM and represents Norway in several international security forums.