Difference between revisions of "Gr10"

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(Download link to Sample Web/Android Application)
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== Download link to Sample Web/Android Application ==
== Download link to Sample Web/Android Application ==
== Refrences ==
<references />

Revision as of 16:24, 4 November 2015

/* Task Description */Patient IDs and bar code input and output

Group Members

Navn e-mail
Hugo Wallenburg hugomw@ifi.uio.no
Marit Iren Rognli Tokle mitokle@ifi.uio.no
Ola Solberg olaeso@student.matnat.uio.no
Jonathan Bockelie jonathbo@student.matnat.uio.no

Summary of Requirements

Blah blah

Time Schedule

Blah blah

Task Delegation

Blah blah

Screenshot and Screen flows

Blah blah

Documented Learning throughout the Project

Blah blah

Suggested improvements to the APIs

Blah blah

Link to Repository

Blah blah

Download link to Sample Web/Android Application
