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(Screenshot and Screen flows)
(Web application)
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=== Web application ===
=== Web application ===
==== Print barcode ====
File:webapp_print1.png|Print button on top left.
File:webapp_print1.png|Print button on top left.

Revision as of 16:07, 13 December 2015

Patient IDs and bar code input and output

Group Members

Navn e-mail
Hugo Wallenburg hugomw@ifi.uio.no
Marit Iren Rognli Tokle mitokle@ifi.uio.no
Ola Solberg olaeso@student.matnat.uio.no
Jonathan Bockelie jonathbo@student.matnat.uio.no

Summary of Requirements


  • Scan Bar/QR code containing ID and name of a patient
  • A database search for the patient using scanned code
  • Create a new patient entry should it not already exist in the database
  • On registration of a new patient, print a bar/QR code label contain ID and name of patient
  • Should work both in browser and the Android DHIS application


  • HTML/CSS/JS/JQuery and AngularJS
  • JsBarcode from github for printing barcodes

Time Schedule

  • Milestone 1: 22nd Novemeber
    • Document Features and Architechture on the Wiki
    • Set up GIT-repostitory
  • Milestone 29th Novemeber
    • First bare-bone version
    • Uploadable as DHIS2 web application
  • Milestone 3: 10th December
    • Project should be finished
    • Show understanding of DHIS2 web applications
  • Final Delivery: 11th December


Task Web Browser Mobile Browser Mobile Application
Reading Barcode 2015-12-05 2015-11-19
DB lookup and new user 2015-12-02
Printing Barcode 2015-12-05 N/A
Finished 2015-12-02

Screenshot and Screen flows

Android Application

Web application

Print barcode

Documented Learning throughout the Project


Suggested improvements to the APIs

The API had no support for handing in a predefined Tracker Entity Instance ID.

Link to Repository and Presentation



Download link to Sample Web/Android Application

Tracker Capture APK