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=== Product ===
=== Product ===
[[File:APP layout.png|center|thumb|976x976px]]
=== Requirements and features ===
=== Requirements and features ===

Revision as of 18:38, 31 October 2017

Group members

  • Bartosz Gembala (bartoszg)
  • Erik Aaron Hansen (erihanse)
  • Erik Snartland (eriksna)

Project description requirements


We chose the Sharing Editor assignment. The assignment involves making a DHIS2 app for updating sharing configuration for multiple/a set of metadata objects.



APP layout.png

Requirements and features

Currently sharing settings can only be modified for one object at a time, making it unefficient. The goal here is to implement sharing settings that can work on multiple metadata objects simultaneously, which would benefit us timewise.

what is being implemented?



REACT is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. The library makes it easier to handle small tasks and changes by only updating the right components when data is changed.

React uses a special syntax called JSX which is a combination of HTML and JavaScript. And since DHIS2 also uses JSX syntax, it will feel natural to work with React.

Other libraries might be added later on.


November 1.

  • Create wiki
  • Chose assignment
  • Overview of the product to be developed, including features
  • Proposed architecture of the app (including key frameworks to be used)
  • Broad timeline for development (in form of milestones)
  • Link to project repository

November 8.

  • DHIS2 data management

November 15.

  • Interface

November 22.

  • Features finalized

November 29.

  • Bugfixes and documentation


Discuss the implications (if any) on the product you are development from the software licenses of the frameworks and libraries you are using.
DHIS2: Free and open source software - permissive BSD license

Division of labour

In the initial part og the project we will work together. Everyone needs to have a good understanding of the structure we are implementing. After the initial stages we will divide the workload to each group member.

Link to project repository

