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Revision as of 16:40, 31 October 2014

List of Group Members:

  • Joakim Kristiansen
  • Vivek Kaul
  • Sigurhjörtur Snorrason
  • Farrukh Wahab Manzoor

Summary of requirement

NYI - Implemted on monday 3/11


List of technologies and frameworks we will use:

  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • CSS
  • HTML5
  • AJAX
  • Bootstrap
  • Maven
  • Java
  • Spring
  • Hibernate

Time schedule

Milestone 1: 1st November

Document features and architecture on Wiki

Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Document flowchart, UML and ORM models and GUI outlines.

Create work schedule and step-by-step goals of the probject.

Milestone 2: 15th November

First bare-bone version - static HTML

Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Create a sample GUI with mock classes

Milestone 3: 30th November

Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.

Final delivery: 8th December

Create at least 2 fully dynamic applications for quiz taking.

Adapt so it works with DHIS.

Create mobile support

Presentation: 9th December

Finalize wiki.

Create a work history on steps achieved.

How you are dividing tasks within the group


Screenshots and screen flows

Flow of the creation of new courses, quizes and questions.


Flow of the course and quiz taking application.


The look of the GUI

By creating basic design of what we want our GUI to ressemble we have created a clear outline for us to work on. This means we can focus more on the functionality of the program and not spend to much time getting ideas for the acutal look of the program. We also aimed for a simplistic look to our GUI. One of the reasons being that this should be useable by anyone, even if it is the first minute of working with DHIS. By keeping the amount of buttons and things you can do as low as possible while keeping the fundamental requirements of the program we hope it will be as easy as possible to learn. 

As these are mockups of the actual GUI we have omitted as much graphical design as we, and just keep to the fundamental parts we require from the GUI.

The course creater

Our start page aims to have a selection of previously made courses and the option to add more courses.


Clicking an existing course will bring you to the display for that course. It will contain the course you clicked, all the quizes it has and the description. From there you can select to make a new quiz or go into a current one.


If you select a quiz you'll get the question overview. From here you can select questions or create a new one.


Each of of the pages has the option to add a new question. So we will also create pages for each option. Creating a new course, a new quiz and then 1 for a free text question and one for multiple choice ones.




To create a clear and structured setup for working on the task we have created a UML for our Java and a ORM for our databases. By doing this we have a clear idea on what we want from both the Java code and Hibernate. This will make dividing the tasks between us easier.

ORM : http://folk.uio.no/sigurhjs/ORM.pdf

UML: http://folk.uio.no/sigurhjs/INF5750UML.pdf

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Link to repository

Download link to sample web app or Android app