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== Suggested improvements to APIs etc ==
== Suggested improvements to APIs etc ==
We suggest the API documentation can be better and helps developers by adding more examples which explain how developers can send request and what objects can they get from the server. In addition we think the documentation for working with the RESTfull service,Adding,deleteing and saving, is a little bit ambiguous.
We suggest the API documentation can be better and helps developers by adding more examples which explain how developers can send request and what objects can they get from the server. In addition we think the documentation for working with the RESTful service. Adding, deleting and saving data is a little bit ambiguous.
To help out new developers with DHIS we suggest adding a help page to each API endpoint. This page should describe the purpose of the endpoint, link to relevant endpoints and list allowed input parameters. Example requests would also be appreciated. Developers could access help with e.g. a special url syntax such as 'domain/api/dataElements/help'.
== Link to repository ==
== Link to repository ==

Revision as of 01:26, 10 December 2014

Data Element Bulk Editor


Data Elements Bulk Editor is a DHIS webapp. It enables administrators, and users, to manage data fields associated with forms and various value types in DHIS.  The app is visually designed in a similar manner to the current Data Element Editor, however, under the hood it is a faster, lighter, and more server-independant app.

When we started this project the goal was to make a smarter editor that allows for quick search and edit operations on form data fields. 

List of group members


  • Filtering fields
  • Sort result set based on aggregate and tracker (Not implemented yet)
  • Edit fields without leaving page (Editing is not feature complete yet)
  • Add and remove fields (Add is not implemented yet)
  • Detailed view of fields
  • Responsive layout that adapts to screen size


  • Chrome ver: 39.0.2171.71
  • FireFox ver: 32.0.3
  • Internet Explorer ver: 11.0.9600.17416
  • Internet Explorer Mobile (Lumia 920) ver: 11
  • Safari ver: 5.1.7
  • Safari Mobile (Iphone 5) ver: ?

Architechture and Technologies

Application Framework

  • HTML5, CSS, JS
  • Bootstrap
  • Angular
  • UI-Angular
  • UI-Bootstrap

Developers' Tools

  • Webstorm
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox (debugging with integrated tools, and testing)
  • OS X, Ubuntu, Windows 7 & 8
  • Git w/ Github


These are the core technologies that make up the front end of modern web applications.


We primarily rely on angularJS for our project framework. We chose this technology because we wanted our app to be a single page application. The result is that all the pages are build as partial HTML templates and we inject their content into a single page. Angular is an exellent engine for building solid SPAs. We benefit from double databinding, templating, routing, data services and many of the other powerful features that angular provides.

We extended angular by adding better routing functionality and directive templates using ui-router and ui-bootstrap, respectively. These plugins work seamlessly with angular.


Bootstrap is used for easy, seamless and modern styling of our app. 

Time schedule

Milestone 1 (1st November)

  • Document features and architecture on Wiki
  • Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone 2 (15th November)

  • First bare-bone version - static HTML
  • Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone 3 (30th November)

  • Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.

Final delivery: 8th December
Presentation 9th December

How you are dividing tasks within the group

We worked a lot as a group. So we agreed on individual tasks during meetings, and we used facebook private group as a messaging board.

Screenshots and screen flows


(*) Navigating and browsing using Internet Explorer 11 Mobile on a Lumia 920


(*) The index page with Chrome on PC



Documented learning during project

We used many different approaches for learning Angular and JS. Here are the channels we used the most for educating ourselves, and debugging the app, while working the project.



  • Observed forum talks and used the support channels


  • If it isn't here, it doesn't exist.

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

We suggest the API documentation can be better and helps developers by adding more examples which explain how developers can send request and what objects can they get from the server. In addition we think the documentation for working with the RESTful service. Adding, deleting and saving data is a little bit ambiguous.

To help out new developers with DHIS we suggest adding a help page to each API endpoint. This page should describe the purpose of the endpoint, link to relevant endpoints and list allowed input parameters. Example requests would also be appreciated. Developers could access help with e.g. a special url syntax such as 'domain/api/dataElements/help'.

Link to repository


Download link to sample web app or Android app

NB: Due to login redirection not working properly, it is required to login with DHIS before opening the app. The DHIS API does not accept requests from anonymous clients.
