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|Jamie, Magnus  
|Jamie, Magnus  
|Show organization unit (OU) information
|Show/edit facility information  
|Edit OU information  
| Magnus
| Magnus
|Create OU
|Delete OU

Revision as of 17:40, 3 December 2015

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We are planning to make a web app, using AngularJS and Google Maps on the client side, and communicate to the server, using the HTTP/REST towards the API.

We were considering using LeafletJS for the map stuff, but decided to start out with Google Maps, since we know it better.

We are planning to write the app basically from scratch (using the base app from the lecture as starting point).

To ensure a responsive app for low bandwidth clients, we are going to optimize the caching, and only fetch necessary fields from the API using the AJAX concept.

The web app will be accessed thru both desktop and mobile devices, so we will ensure that it is responsive for both platforms, using CSS and AngularJS functionality.


We will be using an agile methodology to develop this project. First focusing on basic functionality, then incrementing on that, adding more advanced functionality.

The decision for this is based on the facts that the project is dynamic, the group is small, and the time restraints are very real.


What When Who
Startup Write wiki pages 5. nov Magnus
Startup Make diagrams for the wiki 5. nov Lorena, Jamie
Startup Make mock-ups of the GUI 5. nov Lorena
Startup Create Git repo w/rights 5. nov Magnus
Research DHIS2 API data/calls in question 5. nov Jamie, Lorena, Magnus
Research JS Frameworks to use 5. nov Jamie
Research Map solution 5. nov Jamie, Magnus
Implementation Show organization unit (OU) information Magnus
Implementation Edit OU information Magnus
Implementation Create OU
Implementation Delete OU
Implementation Show facility information (clicking in map)
Implementation Search (results in table, and on map) Lorena
Implementation Adding new facility
Implementation Adding new facility (clicking in map)
Implementation Different hierarchies opt
Implementation Tree of org units, put in map Jamie

Diagrams and Mock-ups