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== Social Network Integration will have the following as basic features.  ==
== <br> ==
1. Profile of a user (Edit/View)
[[Image:Snapshot1.png|thumb|center|The Wikipede edits RTENOTITLE.]]<br>  
<span style="line-height: 1.5em;">a. Along with other basic details a user will give facebook user id for the integration.</span>
[[Image:Snapshot2.png|thumb|center|The Wikipede edits RTENOTITLE.]]
2. Interpretation/Art Wall (A page where user can see all the shares and comments on them)
a. Add/Remove Comments from users
3. Atleast 1 Social Network Integration (Facebook)
a. Facebook Profile picture
b. Sharing the dhis2 post on facebook wall
c. User facebook profile link
d. Sending request to the user on facebook from dhis2 social network page.

Revision as of 12:23, 17 November 2013



1. sijang@ifi.uio.no [ Sijan Gurung ]
2. waqasmb@ifi.uio.no
3. adnanal@ifi.uio.no

[[|]]Basic Features https://wiki.uio.no/mn/ifi/inf5750/index.php?title=Tech_Invaders_Social_network_integration/features

Milestone 1

Milestone 2
Static HTML Pages for Profile and Interpretation Uploadable as DHIS2 webapp

Milestone 3
Loading contents from server Facebook integration for profile pic, posts and requests.