Dynamic Team Børek Embedding apps in patient tracker

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Revision as of 14:59, 9 December 2013 by Jorunra@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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Reidar André Brenna


Guttorm Dyregrov

Jorun Ramstad


Snorre Lærum





  • Milestone 1: 1st November
  • Milestone 2: 15th November
  • Milestone 3: 30th November
  • Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.
  • Final delivery: 8th December
  • Presentation: 9th December


  • Embed a simple web app into the existing DHIS2 tracker web pages
  • Embed a map into the patient management page that displays all patients in the current region. (Reidar)
  • Embed a new function into the patient dashboard page that show that patient's residence location on a map. (Jorun)
  • Upload a photo to a given table on the patient dashboard page (Snorre and Guttorm)

Extra (if time)

  • Add a mobile app that uploads picture of patient to the patient dashboard page (Snorre and Guttorm)
  • Set patients location from a click on the map in patient dashboard page (Jorun)


  • Plug-in functionality into existing architecture
  • Map
- Leaflet uses a permissive BSD open-source licence so can be incorporated into any site without legal worries.
- http://switch2osm.org/using-tiles/getting-started-with-leaflet/
- DHIS also uses the BSD licence 

  • Picture module:
 - Storing pictures by reading the picture's DataURL and POSTing this string to
   the systemSettings API with patientid+'img' as key.
 - JS File API, jQuery, HTML, systemSettings API
 - "No uploading" :)
 - This solution can meet errors with normal/large pictures depending on the
   individual webservers header/buffer sizes for request/response headers. If the
   GET/POST request exceeds the size limit, the web server will most likely 
   respond with: 413 (Full head)


  • Get the server up and running
  • Find the right .vm files to work in
  • Make tables to add maps and picture in on the two pages we are working on
  • Working maps with hard coded markers
  • Upload photos from disk
  • Add markers in patient dashboard page from patients attributes
  • Scale the uploaded photo to the table size
  • Add markers from patients attributes on patient management page
  • Save uploaded picture

Progress snapshot

Patient dashboard page

Map with marker at patients residence location and a table to upload pictures in on the patient dashboard page.

Patient management page

Map on the patient management page where you list and search for patients. No markers jet, but they are supposed to be implemented shortly.

Patient management page picture

The picture is uploaded and scaled to the table size

Team meeting and slogan

Every Monday @ 12:15

"Go Team Børek, Dynamicly"