
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 12:58, 12 November 2014 by Stila@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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Group Members

  • Andreas Lind-Johansen (andrelin)
  • Atle Nordland (atleno)
  • Stian Larsen (stila)

Project: Facility Registry App

Framework & Tools

  • JavaScript
  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5
  • Notepad


  • A user will be able to navigate the app without any prior training
  • The menu labels will be coherent do not hide functionality by design
  • A user will be able to select a facility from a paginated, searchable table.
  • A user will be able to select a facility from a filterable tree-list-view.
  • A user will be able to create a new organisation unit.
  • A user will be able to edit an existing organisation unit.
  • A user will be able to create new categories, levels, groups and group sets with ease.
  • A user will be able to edit existing categories, levels, groups and group sets with ease.


  • Single-page using JavaScript, Bootstrap and AngularJS
    • Any major changes to the view, such as create-new or edit-existing menu options will be displayed on top of the existing page wherever possible. Angular is perfect for this.
  • Retain tree-view of organisations, but make it prettier to go along with the rest of the UI
    • By using a filter technique we can live-update the displayed tree view, thus removing the need of a button and page refresh.
  • Add live-update map functionality (show locstion on map when viewing or editing an OrgUnit)
    • This should also work when a specific OrgUnit is selected in the table
  • When using the search-filter functionality, eliminate the need for a button by updating the list view on-the-fly.


Our group will meet frequently. We are all part of the same student organisation, so we see each other pretty much every day anyway. We will exchange ideas and perform a good bit of pair-programming. Once the specific parts of the implementation have been thoroughly drafted we will assign specific tasks to each group member.

Milestone: 2014-11-01

  • Created this article
  • Documented framework, tools, requirements and features

Milestone: 2014-11-15

  • Bare-bone HTML version updated with angular code
    • Using Bootstrap elements for drafting a design scheme
    • Pre-made templates supplied by Bootstrap gives us a framework to glue our ideas onto. Subject to redesign in the later stages.
  • Preliminary feature demonstration using angular added to code base on server
  • Filterable tables ready
  • API-fetching implemented
    • api/organisationUnits.json
    • api/resources.json
  • Rough sketch for Google Map positioning on page done pen&paper-style for now, pending implementation

Milestone: 2014-11-30

Milestone: 2014-11-30

Delivery: 2014-12-08

Presentation: 2014-12-09