From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 15:04, 6 November 2015 by Helenis@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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The DHIS2 system has something called a Tracker Capture app. This app enables enrollment of patients in health programs and registration of patient data for various stages in the program. In the MNCH/PNC (adult woman) program measurements like weight and blood pressure are registered with every visit, but health workers have expressed that they wish for a view of earlier measurements while registering new ones. This is not possible with the current Tracker Capture app.

Our assignment is therefore to modify Tracker Capture to enable viewing of data entry from previous visits.

List of group members

Name E-mail
Ronja Knudtsen ronjark@ifi.uio.no
Helene Isaksen helenis@ifi.uio.no
Ida Lothe idalot@ifi.uio.no
Mari Iversen mariive@ifi.uio.no

Summary of requirements

Modify the current DHIS2 Tacker Capture app in order to make it possible for health workers to view measurements from the previous stage of the programme when registering current values.

Architecture and technology

Time schedule

Milestone #1:

Deadline: 8th November

Task(s): Finished documenting features and architecture on Wiki + show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone #2:

Deadline: 22nd November

Task(s): Finished first bare-bone version in static HTML + made uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone #3:

Deadline: 4th December

Task(s): Finished implementing web app.

Milestone #4:

Deadline: 11th December

Task(s): Final delivery

Milestone #5:

Deadline: Mid-December

Task(s): Presentation

Dividing of tasks

Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to APIs

Link to repository

Download link for DHIS2 app
