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Revision as of 13:36, 14 November 2015 by (talk | contribs) (Group organization)

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Group members


Magnus Åsrud -
Olav Wegner Eide -
Øyvind Julsrud -

Project details

Android Coordinate Picker

The project is to implement the functionality of a point-and-click coordinate selector using the Google maps API in the DHIS 2 Android SDK

and integrate the coordinate selector into the two existing Android apps: DHIS 2 Event Capture and DHIS 2 Tracker Capture.

Main features:

  • A way to choose between the current device coordinates or selecting coordinates from a map.
  • If the map option is chosen, open a map and let the user point on a location, obtain the coordinates and send them back to the form.
  • Support normal user operations in the map such as zoom, move on drag and refine the already chosen position.

Secondary features:

  • Easy integration with current and new Android apps that uses the DHIS 2 SDK.
  • Continued usage of Google maps API.

How to test the app

Login for the apps.


We will primarily use the Android SDK bundle for Android Studios to create a android coordinate picker for the DHIS2 Android SDK .

We will also make use of the Google maps API to visualize the coordinates given to us by DHIS 2 Event Capture and DHIS 2 Tracker Capture

Work schedule

Milestone 1: 8th November

  • Document the wiki page.

Milestone 2: 22th November

  • First bare-bone version.
  • Up-loadable as DHIS2 web app.

Milestone 3: 4th December

  • Finished, both apps are running.

Final milestone: 11th December

  • Final delivery.
  • Presentation.

Group organization

In addition to meet in person to devide the work, identify issues and work together, we use a shared Facebook conversation to easily keep in touch and share links and keep a (closed) worklog on a shared Google Sheets. The Git commit history also work as a log.

Milestone 1:
We work together to create the wiki and plan the future work.

Milestone 2:
We each work on individual tasks and meet in the group session, as well as self-organized meetings to put our work together and identify new tasks.

Screenshots, implementation of features

Learning outcome and future thoughts

Downloads (private repo)