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Revision as of 22:20, 2 November 2013 by (talk | contribs)

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Team: (link)

  • Aleksander Rem
  • Franck Roucou
  • Therese-Mari P. Thomassen


  • Single event without registration data entry
  • Show current location
  • Data stored with location
  • Save data entry with current location or selected location
  • Possiblitiy of storing images in entry form
  • Show data entered on map
  • Responsive design deployed as web and Android app
  • Login/Logout option
  • Search/filter existing events (on map or in a list)

Time schedule

  • Milestone 1: November 1st
    • Document features and architecture
    • Setup launchpad project
    • First prototype
  • Milestone 2: November 15th
    • First barebone version
    • Uploadable App
  • Milestone 3: November 30th
    • Complete App
  • Final: December 8th
  • Presentation: December 9th


The first prototype


The first screen after login.

Here one can choose to register new data og search existing data. One can also register data as a default organization unit, or log in with another organi


After choosing "register new data".

Here one can choose a location the data entry should be stored at. Default is "my location". 

The different entry types will have different obligatory entry fields, so this is a fairly generic view.


After choosing "search existing data" from the first screen. 

Here one can filter the search, possibly also by other filtering options than these. After applying filters, one can either get the results in map, or in a list. 

One can also go straight to map and search results by location by manipulating the map directly.


To be announced...

Screenshots and screen flows

To be announced...

Documented learning

Suggested improvments to APIs

To be announced...


To be announced...


  • Get familiar to DHIS2 API
  • Define who is using the application (front desk?, medical staff?, administration?)
  • Define a more concrete workflow
  • Define the overall achitecture
  • Split the tasks
  • How to make an android app downloadable from DHIS2
  • ....
  • define more tasks