
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 16:12, 26 October 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Architecture and frameworks)

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Group members

  • Haakon Konrad
  • Bård Johnsen
  • Silje Dahl
  • Matthias Wenger

Project Assignment Description

We have chosen the assignment: "Master Facility List".

Overview: An user friendly app for searching, browsing and propose changes to organisation units and related resource as organisation units groups.

Key features to be implemented:

  • For each organisation units display:
    • All attributes
    • GIS cordinates
    • Membership in organisation unit groups
    • Data sets assigned to a particular facility
  • Optional editing features only available for users with appropriate system authorities
  • Configuration Page that for a particular organisation unit will display: (for example: population estimates, staff count )
    • Data element
      • for: this year / last year
    • Indicator values
      • for: this year / last year
  • Searching an Filtering
    • by name
    • Organisation unit groups
    • Organisation unit hierarchy
    • Data sets and a combination of these
  • Support for any user of the app to propose changes
  • Interface for administrators to review and filter submitted proposed changes, and marking them as resolved/invalid appropriately

Architecture and frameworks

We have chosen to work with React as it seems to be light-weight, easy to get started with and has a large developer community. We want to keep the the Architecture as simple as possible


Week 43

  • Finalize project description
  • Set up repository
  • Decide on frameworks

Week 44

  • Setup frameworks
  • Playing around with the API

Week 45

  • Show attributes from an organization unit. included but not limited too:
    • All attributes
    • GIS cordinates
    • Membership in organisation unit groups
    • Data sets assigned to a particular facility
  • Wireframe design of org unit view

Week 46

  • Implement the following:
    • Org unit view
    • Configuration page
    • Search function

Week 47

  • Finalize app

Week 48

  • Final bugfix
  • Prepare presentation

Division of labor

  • WEEK 45
    • everybody should get to know REACT, therefor all work on retrieving information from the API should be done by every group member
  • WEEK 46+
    • The work will be divided

Github repository

LittRomForFeil on Github