From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 21:16, 4 December 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Architecture)

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Group Members

  • Sondre Kristensen (sondrkri)
  • Sondre Patrick Nordby Markhus (spmarkhu)
  • Muddasar Hussain (muddasah)

Product Description

The task chosen is: Master Facility List.


The product will firstly consist of a main page. On this main page, a user can search for a specific organisationunit. Once a unit is found, the user can click on the unit, and will be taken to a new page, displaying all the information about the organisation unit. Once there, the user can also fill in a form to propose changes to the orgUnit. An administrator can change what info is to be displayed for a unit, as well as manage feedback in a different interface.


The key framework of the application is Angular. AngularMaterial is a package used for styling and layout, and AngularCLI is a tool used for generation and runing the application.

The Architecture is overall REST based, using data from the DHIS api. The application itself is multipage, with a common navigational bar at the top. The different pages have different properties, like the search page or the display page.

Angular 4 is a framework for building client application in HTML and either Javascript or a language like TypeScript, Typescript compile to Javascript.

We are also using this architecture[1]] to communicate with Dhis2 server and show the data to the users/admin. Angular apps are modular and has itss own modularity system called NgModules. Every Angular app has at least one NgModules class, the root module, conventionally named AppModule. Skjermbilde 2017-12-04 kl. 19.55.22.png

AppModule contains:

declaration : the view classes that belong to this module, this classes are components, directives and pipes. exports  : subset of declaration that should be usable and visible in component templates of the other modules. import  : what other modules export as classes is imported in this module. providers  : creators of services that can be used global. services  : declaration of services we are using in the app.


The group members are meeting minimum 3 times a week during the development period

Uke 43 Uke 44 Uke 45 Uke 46
Get started using DHIS and framework Basic HTTP functionallity Create propose functionallity Testing & bugfix
Create search and detailed view Create information display selection UI refinement
