
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 16:33, 5 December 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Log)

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Group Members

  • Andreas Holskil
  • Marthe Øvergård
  • Andreas Kristiansen

Product descriptions requirements



We want to create an app for displaying the HIV cascade analysis with graphs, where the user can specify the data to be displayed. There will be three main ways to display these graphs:

  • As percentages, where the first bar in the cascade is 100%, and the subsequent bars as expressed as percentages of the previous.
  • As raw numbers, but showing both the actual number and the gap (i.e. difference between target and actual).
  • As both raw data and percentages.


  • Search for the data elements you want to represent the chart bars.
  • Set the threshold for the graph, (80-80-80) etc.
  • Select based on sex.
  • Select based on org units (aggregate sub org units)
  • Save your graph and input settings for later use.





Division of labour

Our plan was to divide the app into three main containers, which communicated through state changes. This allowed us to work independently on different problems, as long as we agreed on the state returned from the reducers. We had regular meetings to keep track of each others status and to discuss problems we faced, or to just sit and work together.

  • In the beginning we worked closely together with pair-programming as we were learning react and how to use it with redux.
  • In the middle of the project, when we had consensus on what the main contain we diverged more and focused on each our objectives.
  • At the end of the project, we converged again and worked on design/visuals, testing and debugging together.

Andreas Holskil

Responsible for Chart display and graph container.

Andreas Kristiansen

Responsible for data input/selection container. And backbone/initial structure.

Marthe Øvergård

Responsible for chart controller container, and sanitizing of data.


Week 49: Settings saving. Debugging and testing. Wiki updates and presentation.

Week 48:

      1. Week 47:

      1. Week 46:
      1. Week 45:
    1. Week 44:

Initial backbone and division of containers

      1. Week 43:

Discussing selected assignment. Planning progress.

      1. Week 42:

First meeting. Initialize repository and discuss assignments. Selection of assignment and frameworks to use.

Project repository