Embed-apps-1 Embedding apps in patient tracker

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 19:09, 8 November 2013 by Oystg@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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Group Members

  • Zahra Maslavi
  • Torbein Rein
  • Øystein Gammersvik


We are going to embed web apps into the patient tracker, and implement some new functionalities.


Weight graph

A graph showing the weight history of a patient enrolled in the MNCH/PNC (Adult Woman) program

Gestational age

Display the gestational age of the patient

Time schedule

  • 01. nov: Finish wiki page
  • 8. nov: Static web application
  • 15. nov: Make web app uploadable
  • 30. nov: Milestone 3
  • 08. dec: Final delivery