Embed-apps-1 Embedding apps in patient tracker

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 18:49, 26 November 2013 by Oystg@uio.no (talk | contribs) (TODO)

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Group Members

  • Zahra Maslavi
  • Torbein Rein
  • Øystein Gammersvik


We are going to embed web apps into the patient tracker, and implement some new functionalities.


Weight graph

A graph showing the weight history of a patient enrolled in the MNCH/PNC (Adult Woman) program

Gestational age

Display the gestational age of the patient


  • Embedd app on patient dashboard.
  • Use hard coded values to call api at first.
  • Use dynamically fethed data to call api.
  • Try to change from highcharts to nvd3
  • Which events should we use if the person is enrolled in multiple programs?
  • How is the events ordered?

How to get the weight using the API

Get event with:

If we use the call above without specifying programStage we get all program stages.

We can then loop through all programStages (each element in the eventList array in the result), and look for the weight (that is the element in dataValues with dataElement: "UXz7xuGCEhU")

Weight id: UXz7xuGCEhU

Time schedule

  • 01. nov: Finish wiki page
  • 8. nov: Static web application
  • 15. nov: Make web app uploadable
  • 30. nov: Milestone 3
  • 08. dec: Final delivery